Before I started High School, mother had a very serious talk with me. She said she loved me in dress- es, hardly ever thought of me as a boy, and was sure I felt the same. I said I did, that I loved being a girl. But she said while I was too young yet to decide for sure what I was going to be, I ought to have some idea. While girls could now go into almost anything boys could, still there were a few occupations they were not suited for, and where dresses could not be worn. So if I had any idea of wanting something of that nat- ure, now was the time for me to change back to being a boy. I asked her what sort of a boy I would make if I changed right then to boys' clothes. She said a very pretty one. I said that was just it, I would be a girlfı boy's clothes, could not help being sissified after all my years as a girl. She admitted it would be hard to change. So I said that both Miss Brett and Miss Cowan the senior teacher had always said I was specially good at figures, and I liked all those subjects, that I thought I would like to take up commercial work and typing, and could easily get a good position as bookkeeper or in a bank. Being a girl was no handicap at all, and she knew there were plenty of girl-boys in those posi- tions. So that was settled and I have never regretted it.

But soon after starting High School I ran into a trouble I had never had before. They played basket- ball, had a senior team in a league with schools in near-by towns. There was a sort of junior team but no league, we just chose sides and practised. So as we played in our gym uniform and came to school those days in it, there was no trouble about dressing with the rest of the team. But in my third year I was told I was wanted on the senior team, and that meant trouble. It was not bad at our own school for we dressed and changed in little se panate booths, and I could probably always get one by myself. But from what I had heard about some other schools, we had just one big room where we would all change into uniforms and back in- to our dresses. I did not see how I could possibly man- age it. Had other girl-boys been on the team and had I been known as one, it would have been allowed for.